This morning I have to take my car to have two new tyres fitted. Only one of them got shredded on the way to the airport on Thursday, but they have to be replaced as a pair, so that makes it a very expensive blowout!
Having emptied my wallet, I return to Southrepps, where a rather chilly house prompts me to clean out the woodburner, split a basket full of logs and light the fire.
I’m still feeling very tired from having less than an hour of sleep on Wednesday night, and also suffering several little niggles that I’m hoping are just related to the physical effort of changing a large tyre at the side of the road, and the resultant fatigue. It feels like I have pulled a muscle in my side, so I’m trying to take things easy so that I don’t aggravate it. I seem to have got something in my left eye, which is causing me some mild irritation and has made my eyelid swollen, so I’ll pop along to see one of the nurses at the doctors surgery on Monday, if it doesn’t work its way out in the meantime. I know that my tremor has been all over the place the last couple of days – left leg and right arm today. I’m not going to make any adjustments to my device just now, though – I’m hoping that it will settle down as I recover from lack of sleep and over-exertion.