I’m feeling a little bit more “with it” today. I’m still very tired, but not as bad as I was yesterday.
I chase up a couple of companies that I emailed last week, asking for permission to use images of their products for inclusion in my weekly vlog. Most companies came straight back to me and were very helpful, but there are a couple that I have now contacted in several different ways without success. I guess if I can’t get in touch with them then I’ll have to choose some different products instead, which would be a shame.
My legs are much better than they were yesterday – still stiff and aching, but nowhere near as painful. I manage both of today’s dog walks without wincing. My voice is a bit weak, so I tried changing my neurostimulator to group “B” settings (my most recent ones) to see if I can improve it. Immediately my eyes are affected, and my eyelids feel as though there are made of lead. Tremor control is also worse on these settings. I battle this for 5 or 10 minutes, and then give up and change back to group “A” settings.
I receive another message on Twitter from the Channel 4 film crew, requesting further changes to the video that I sent to them yesterday, so I make the necessary changes and send them the revised video over the internet.