Woke at 2.30am and again at 3.30am, and then it was 5.45am and I’m really awake and in quite a lot of discomfort with my neck. Not really what I would call being in pain, but definitely too uncomfortable to go back to sleep. I lie there, though, until just before 7am and then get up and get dressed.
My wife has to be elsewhere this morning, so she is out of the door by 7.15am and I am left to my own devices.
Coffee, paracetamol, tea, dog walk. In that order.
Self medicate mildly (cannabis) and wait to see how the tremor settles.
Tremor still there 2 hours later, so I decide to increase the voltage again to 1.8v on my left side and 2.3v on my right side. Half an hour later, the tremor is gone. I feel fairly calm, so I think I’ll leave it at that setting until tomorrow and see how I am then, unless I start behaving oddly this evening.