I’m tired and unmotivated – what a winning combination! Consequently, most of the day is spent sitting on my backside in the lounge, surfing the internet.
This afternoon I bully myself into going to the allotment when I take the dog for her second walk of the day. I need to harvest some more spinach, and I take a nut and bolt with me to try to repair the handle of the lawnmower so that I can cut the grass. Recent wet weather has turned the place into a jungle, so I urgently need to spend some time down there making it nice and tidy. I pick a bag of spinach and also harvest a couple of pounds of rhubarb (which I’ll give to our neighbour) and then I spend half an hour weeding around the kale, pumpkin and courgette (zucchini) plants. Lastly, I try to fix the lawnmower, but the bolt that I have brought with me is too big for the job so I’ll have to find a smaller one and try again another day.