My cold has entered phase two, which involves a nose (of the streaming variety) and a cough (of the painful, bronchial variety). I’m feeling thoroughly miserable and sorry for myself, so this morning I stay in the house (after a quick stroll around the village hall field with the dog) and surf the ‘net.
This afternoon I combine another dog walk with a visit to the allotment. I pick a bag of spinach, and dig over half a vegetable bed while I’m there. I’m invited in for a cuppa by our neighbour (who sees me stumbling back home from the allotment, sweaty and exhausted) and we sit outside in the sunshine drinking tea and chatting for half an hour or so.
My cough really kicks off this evening, and my wife must be seriously cheesed off by my hacking and sniffing. A whisky (Dalwhinnie 15 year old single malt) helps, as does a swig of cough medicine.
May your cold disappear soon, as does morning mist. 🙂