I’m unmotivated (again) and spend the day trying to persuade myself to get up off my backside and do something!
I succeed, eventually, and make some more thiamine hydrochloride capsules (which I’m about to run out of) so that I can continue following the vitamin B1 high dosage therapy. Then I split a few logs, fill the log basket (not that we need a fire tonight, unless the temperature drops significantly) and run the vacuum cleaner around downstairs.
I need help finding a product. I have ET and had a (failed) DBS device placed in 2007. Since then I have searched for a solution-partial or other-for the tremor. The University of California at San Diego will soon be conducting a study on the effects of cannabis on tremor. They are using a product from a company called Leafly in Canada. It is CBD: THC in a 20:1 ratio in CAPSULE. Leafly cannot export to the USA and UCSD will not provide the product outside of the study (for obvious reasons). So I am searching for a similar product elsewhere. Can/would you obtain this for me or refer me to a reputable source? Obviously I would pay for the product and all shipping costs. I just need help obtaining it so I may do my own trial. Thanks for your help.
Hi Paula.
Unfortunately I cannot help you with that, it’s still illegal over here. My suggestion would be to research a strain of cannabis that has that CBD:THC profile (leafly website should carry that info), purchase seeds and grow your own. There are plenty of videos on youtube that show you how to make the oil from the plant. Sorry that I can’t be of any more help than that! A shortcut to this process would be to buy a little street cannabis (although you won’t be able to specify CBD:THC ratio) and try it to see if it has a beneficial effect on your tremor…