I’m not having a good day, voice-wise. I spend the morning researching and scripting my weekly vlog, and then the trouble starts – when I am filming myself. Strangling my sentences. Slurring. Mispronouncing words. Incorrect emphasis. To cut a long story short, I reckon that around 20 to 30 takes is usual for a 4 to 5 minute video – this week I had 66! Even though l have all of these takes (mostly re-takes) to choose from, I am unhappy with the final result, and feel that I would struggle to understand every word that I’m saying, if it wasn’t for the subtitles.
I walk the dog and then fill the log basket whilst my MacBook is busy outputting the finished video, and then upload it to my YouTube channel. My wife arrives home from work and cooks our evening meal, while I post links to my vlog on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a number of online Parkinson’s Disease forums that I subscribe to.