I’m awake early at 5.45am, and don’t really get back to sleep – my wife has had a restless night and is going to work (for an hour or so) this morning, so there didn’t seem to be much point.
I drink tea and nutriblast while my wife is at work, and them we take the dog for a walk together, and also wander down to the allotment to check up on things – everything is growing like crazy, especially the weeds and the grass paths. We really need to spend a couple of hours down there to keep on top of things, but we are having our eldest granddaughter over to spend the night tonight, so we don’t have the time to spare today – tomorrow, perhaps…
We clean, tidy and childproof the house (as much as is practical) and then drive over to Hevingham to collect our granddaughter. On our return to Southrepps, we all walk down (dog included) to the children’s playground by the village hall to expend some of our granddaughter’s seemingly boundless energy. My wife runs around after her while I stay with the dog, but by the time we return to the house it’s me that is exhausted.
My wife manages to get our granddaughter off to sleep early, so we don’t watch any telly this evening for fear of disturbing her – we have an early night as well.