I manage to achieve much more on a Friday than any other day of the week. I think it is due to the fact that I have publicly committed to publishing my weekly vlog every Friday, and because I have said that that’s what I will do, then that’s what I do! I think I need to find a few more things to commit to on a daily basis to motivate me the rest of the week (although I do have a commitment to walk the dog twice a day, and I never miss that – unless my wife beats me to it).
I spend a large portion of today researching GDNF because one of my YouTube channel followers requested it as a topic for my weekly vlog – it seemed like an interesting subject, so I chose it.
I’m not happy with my voice (yet again) and I struggle so much with filming some of the script that I break it down into smaller segments. In spite of these problems, I have filmed, edited and uploaded my video to my YouTube channel before my wife arrives home from work. Result!