Another fabulous day in Southrepps – blazing sunshine, clear blue skies and a temperature in the mid-20s Celsius. Our babysitting duties passed without incident – our youngest granddaughter is an absolute angel, and we hardly knew that we had her. We take her back to her parents in Hevingham a little before lunchtime, and return to Southrepps for an afternoon at the allotment.
My wife prepares the ground for planting out onion sets and courgette (zucchini) seedlings while I get the mower running and mow the grass pathways that are getting very overgrown. The mowing exhausts me, so I sit on the ground and try to clear grass and weeds from the strawberry and raspberry plants that are struggling to be seen at the moment. I leave my wife to it, while I return home for a rest and to take the dog for a walk (which really finishes me off).
I’m still feeling out of sorts, and have had a mild headache for most of the day – not severe enough to warrant the use of painkillers, but enough to make me want to crawl into a quiet corner somewhere.