I’m still feeling a little below par, and still not really doing very much. I need to return the blood pressure monitor to my doctor’s surgery today – my readings over the last 7 days have all been consistently abnormally high, but not officially classified as high, so it’ll be interesting to hear what my doctor has to say on the matter. I drive over to Aldborough as soon as the essentials are out of the way (mugs of tea, nutriblast, dog walk and PopMaster) and drop the little machine off – I expect they will be in contact if they need to be…
I split a few logs (enough to top up the log basket) for this evening, vacuum downstairs and then light the fire. Muscular pain in my right arm has me reaching for my vaporiser to administer a little cannabis. Tremor is a little better than yesterday, as is dystonia. Balance is okay, but my walking isn’t going to win me any prizes for elegance.