Another dusting of snow overnight, but it is just a dusting! It’s certainly not going to stop my wife from going to work today, so we’re out of bed early (for a Saturday) and she has left for Hevingham by 9am. I don’t feel like doing very much or going very far, even though the high winds are gone and it doesn’t feel so bitterly cold outside – it is still cold and horrible out there. I drink my mugs of tea and my nutriblast while I check social media and reply to a couple of messages that I have received, and then the dog and I go for a little stumble (in the snow, ice and slush) around the field by the village hall. While I’m still dressed for the cold, I fill the log basket with sufficient firewood to keep us warm this evening. I then clean the windows of the woodburner, run the vacuum cleaner around downstairs, and light the fire.
My voice is stronger this morning, and I don’t sound like I’m half-cut (not to my ears, anyway). Annoying (but tolerable) tremor is in my left leg. I self-medicated with some cannabis this morning, and I feel that that has helped with the pain of muscular stiffness and weakness. My balance is only slightly off and my walking isn’t quite so stilted as it has been. Perhaps I have been under-medicated – I’ll monitor these symptoms in relation to my cannabis use…