My wife has decided to go to work today because she has got a lot of work on at the moment, so I plan to go over to Stalham to see my younger brother and fill out some forms concerning our mother’s estate.
I have couple of mugs of tea, drink my nutriblast and walk the dog before texting my brother to check that he is at home. He isn’t, and won’t be there at all today, so that puts an end to my plans!
I get the last of the logs in from the back garden – we are babysitting in Hevingham this evening so we won’t bother to have a fire tonight, and there’s just enough firewood to enable us to have a fire on Sunday night. We are due to have a delivery of logs on Monday afternoon and we are forecast to have an even colder few days next week, so fingers crossed that they are delivered as promised.
I read The Metro online to catch up on the news, post some links to my latest vlog on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and then watch a documentary online about cannabis and the endocannabinoid system.
Left leg tremor has increased again, and my voice is weak and husky. If I increase the voltage on my neurostimulator to calm my tremor, then I stand a good chance of making my voice even worse, so I don’t make any changes and hope that things will improve tomorrow.
My wife arrives home from work, we have a very quick dinner (soup and soggy croutons, because my mouth is still sore) and then go over to Hevingham to look after our eldest granddaughter for the evening.