My wife is working today, so it’s just me and the dog again. I take the dog for her morning walk and then sit on the sofa in the lounge with a nice hot mug of tea and my nutriblast to read The Metro online and catch up with the week’s news.
I manage to get off my backside this afternoon and give the bathroom a good clean, wash the quarry tiles in the hall, clean the hearth, split a few logs and fill the log basket, vacuum downstairs and (finally) light the fire.
My mouth is still sore from my tooth extraction and is still taking my mind off my Parkinson’s symptoms – I am eating on the other side of my mouth at the moment, and managing to catch the inside of my lower lip with my teeth on a very regular basis, so I’m not enjoying eating my food at all at the moment, in fact I may well stick to having soup for the next few days…