My wife and I spend the day occupying our eldest granddaughter (who has just turned two years old). It’s a great age, and she is coming out with new words all the time, forming sentences, questioning – my wife and I are thoroughly entertained.
Our dog likes having her around as well – she is very much in favour of humans that drop their food…
We return the little lady to her parents this afternoon and them drive to North Walsham on our way back home to buy a birthday card and wrapping paper – it’s my wife’s brother’s 50th birthday tomorrow, so no doubt we will be doing a little celebrating in the pub tomorrow.
My walking is pretty rubbish at the moment, my voice is slurred and indistinct, and tremor is breaking through in my left leg – I’m pleased to be going to the NHNN on Monday for a bit of a DBS tune up! In the meantime, a little cannabis is called for (and a beer).