We are having our eldest granddaughter to stay tonight, so making the house clean, tidy and child-proof starts as soon as we get out of bed.
My wife cleans and tidies downstairs while I construct a guard to go around the fireplace and hearth. My wife vacuums downstairs while I take the dog for her morning work. My wife then departs for work (late) while I try to decide the subject matter of my weekly vlog. I make my decision, do a little online research to ensure that I have my facts straight, and then write a script for the video on my iPad.
I interrupt my vlogging to deal with some paperwork required by my wife’s accountant, take the dog for another walk and then get cracking with the filming.
I’m not at all happy with my voice. It is stronger than it has been recently, but it sounds indistinct and slurred to my ears. I try changing my neurostimulator over to group “B” settings – my voice instantly sounds better, but my eyes keep slamming themselves shut, so I have to revert to group “A” again. I finish my filming (with a fair few retakes) but I’m really not happy with my voice!
I manage to get my vlog edited, uploaded to my YouTube channel and published before my wife arrives home with our granddaughter, which was my aim!