I perform my morning ritual/duties (2 cups of tea, Nutriblast, dog walk, PopMaster) and decide to go to Wayford Bridge to check on the boat – I noticed there was rather a lot of water in the engine compartment when were went out with my wife’s parents and brother last weekend, and I’ve been worrying about it. The water is still there, but there doesn’t appear to be any more than there was last week, so that’s a relief! I siphon the water out of the engine compartment into the bilges, and let the bilge pump empty the bilges into the river. I run the engine for twenty minutes or so to charge the batteries, and then I’m done.
Back at Southrepps, I decide to give my car a wash and polish. It’s having two new front tyres fitted tomorrow morning, and I think that the tyre fitter will take more care if the car is nice and clean and shiny. I spend almost 3 hours washing and polishing, and the car is looking good. I’m completely knackered – I might just have overdone it (as usual).
The dog is asking me to take her for her afternoon walk, and all I want to do is collapse onto the sofa and recover. The dog wins, and I stagger around the field by the village hall with her. Fatigue has accentuated my slightly dodgy balance and wooden walking.
I sit and recover for half an hour, and then tidy up the mess I’ve made with car cleaning stuff, and vacuum downstairs before my wife returns home from work.