I’m trying to make myself actually do something today, even if it’s only a bit of eBaying. We have visitors for dinner on Saturday, so I need to clear all of my junk from the lounge before then!
I get the usual morning routine out of the way first, and then do a little eBay research – seeing if there are already comparable items for sale and, if so, how much they are being sold for so that I can set the prices of my items at a reasonably competitive level. I also weigh and measure my items so that I can check out courier/mailing prices.
My tremor is back under control (mostly) today, and dystonia is less troubling, too. Muscular weakness and stiffness isn’t causing me any trouble. Balance is okay, but my walking is still a little wooden. My voice is absolutely pants, but luckily I don’t really need to use it until my wife gets back from work this evening. I am really fatigued again, and fighting off sleep for most of the afternoon – and yet I had a really good night of sleep last night (and, indeed, for several nights), so it isn’t related to a real need for sleep. I manage to fight it off, and get a couple of items listed on eBay, so that’s an achievement.
I take the dog for her afternoon walk, vacuum downstairs and then wander up to the allotment with the watering can to water the vegetables.