I am walking very stiffly today – it seems that I overdid the walking business yesterday, and my legs have just about seized up!
We are off to Hevingham for an hour or two this lunchtime, to visit my wife’s eldest son and his fiancee, but really so that we can see our granddaughter. I take the dog for her morning walk (more like a waddle in my case) and then we jump in the car and go. Tremor is back under control today, which is a surprise to me – I had expected it to be a problem because usually my symptoms increase when I am fatigued, and I knew I was going to be feeling the effects of overdoing things yesterday.
When we get back home again, it’s about all I can do to sit on the sofa and search online for some tile spacers that I need to help finish the bathroom tiling – another day passes without me making any progress! While I’m exerting myself on the internet, my wife is busy working down on the allotment, planting out some more seedlings. I waddle around the field with the dog and then go to see how she’s getting on.
While my wife prepares dinner, I download some updates for her Macbook Pro – it’s hard work, all this computer setup lark! After dinner, I crack open a bottle of beer, self-medicate (cannabis) and we settle down for an evening in front of the telly.