I’m awake bright and early, and get up around 7.30am, leaving my wife to catch up on her sleep. I check my email, reply to a couple of YouTube messages and post links to my latest vlog on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Tremor in my left leg is very close to the surface, but has been a whole lot better since I increased the voltage on my neurostimulator. I haven’t had any dyskinesia in my neck since I changed the setting, so that’s a result. I may try another small increase tomorrow. Dystonia is under control, but my balance isn’t great today and my walking could be better. Voice is weak and soft, but I think I have to learn to live with that as a consequence of tremor control.
I want to make some more progress with tiling the bathroom this weekend, so I spend today cutting tiles to size ready to stick them on the walls tomorrow. My wife leaves me to it while she plants out a load more seedlings at our allotment.
I clear away my tiling debris (I’ve had enough by late afternoon) and my wife and I go grocery shopping at Lidl in North Walsham. Then it’s time for dinner, a beer and Homeland on Netflix!