Our granddaughter is being delivered to us at 8.15am, so we are up and ready for action at 7.30am. My wife is busy trying to sanitise the house when there’s a knock at the door and a disruptive grandchild arrives. Disruptive because I have had to reorganise my schedule for my weekly vlog – I prepared my script and filmed myself yesterday, so all that remains to be done is the editing and publishing!
I intend to edit my vlog this morning, but let’s get real here! With a 17 month old toddler in the house, that’s just not going to happen. I do make a start on it, but lunchtime rolls around and I still haven’t made a significant dent in the task.
My elderly neighbour is being discharged from the Norfolk & Norwich hospital today. He is going straight into a care home in Cromer, and another of my neighbours has asked me to go with him to Halsey House to take him a change of clothes and a few personal bits and pieces.
My tremor is through the roof today, making everything more of a challenge than it usually is. It’s only when I am preparing to go to Halsey House that I discover that I have forgotten to change my neurostimulator to its daytime settings. I change the settings, and things are immediately much better (not perfect, but definitely much better).
So, I leave my wife to look after our adorable (yet disruptive) granddaughter while I go to Cromer to make sure our neighbour is settled in and happy (and he is, so that’s a result!).
I walk the dog when I get back home, and then sit myself down to finish my editing. Our granddaughter is collected before 5pm, and I manage to finish my video just after 6pm and leave it uploading to my YouTube channel while my wife and I go to Lidl in Cromer to do our weekly grocery shopping.