It’s my wife’s birthday today,but we aren’t celebrating it until this evening. She wants to visit her customer and try fitting the loose cover that she has been working on, and until she has done that, she can’t concentrate on anything else. So she leaves the house at 9am to visit her customer, and then to go to work at her workshop in Hevingham.
I intended to book a table at The Vernon Arms for dinner this evening, but a quick look at the bank balance makes me think again. I decide to cook a meal for us instead, so need to go and get some ingredients from Lidl in North Walsham. I have a vague idea of what I want to cook, so that helps, and I manage to get everything I want without any trouble.
Back home I manage to do some leisurely food preparation, get the logs in for the fire, vacuum downstairs, walk the dog and await the return of my wife. She is going to be late this evening because she is seeing her sons for her birthday presents before coming home – it makes no sense to drag them all over to Southrepps just so that I can watch her tear the wrapping paper off her presents! Her brother is coming over to see her at 8pm, so she is on strict orders to be home for dinner at 7pm – I just hope I can schedule it all. It’s been a while since I cooked a proper meal.
I had a kind of fall last night – not a proper fall… I was in the act of sitting down on the sofa, but fell sideways as I was about to make contact with the seat. There was quite a loud “crack”, and we wondered, at the time, if it was me or the sofa that had made the noise. Today I’m able to confirm that it was (probably) me – I’m not exactly in pain, but definitely in some discomfort with my right shoulder. It’s not bad enough to warrant a trip to the doctor, but I shall definitely be taking it a bit easy for a few days. Tremor remains under control (just), dystonia and dyskinesia haven’t got any worse so I guess I’ll stick with my current settings and see how things go.