I remember to change my device settings to my daytime voltages when I get up this morning, but I still have a little bit of tremor coming through on my left side. I may self-medicate with a little cannabis later on, if it doesn’t settle down. I stopped videoing for the Cleveland Cannabis College yesterday because I was getting exhausted, so I have to go through the rigmarole of getting everything set up again in order to get a couple more takes.
I take the dog for a walk and then wait for my wife to go to work so that I have the house to myself (well, apart from the dog), and then set up the camera, tripod, radio microphone, lighting, teleprompter app, and clear the island in the kitchen before sitting down for PopMaster.
I finish the take that was incomplete from yesterday, and then do one more to be on the safe side. Then I load the video onto my MacBook and set about transmitting the video files to the college via DropBox. There’s a lot of data to transmit (about 12GB), so it’ll probably take a couple of days to go through, especially since I haven’t got that much space available on DropBox, so I’ll have to send it in small chunks!
That’s taken care of the bulk of the day – it’s starting to get dark now, so it’s time to take the dog for her afternoon walk. My tremor, which has been a nuisance all day, has finally abated – just as I’m about to administer some cannabis. I’ll save it for later to ensure that I get a decent night’s sleep – the last two nights have been very restless! Dystonia remains about the same (it’s there, but manageable) and Dyskinesia seems to have reduced a little – either that, or I’m just getting used to it! My voice is the worst thing at the moment – very weak and husky, and strangling my sentences a lot of the time. It has made my videoing quite difficult. Hopefully it will improve soon!