My wife had a bad night’s sleep, which meant that I, also, had a disturbed night. I remember being awake at 3am, 5am, 6am… Luckily I managed to get back to sleep fairly easily, but I’m still feeling very tired today.
Tremor is (once again) quite strong in my left leg, even after I return my neurostimulator to its daytime settings – I’m considering upping the voltage a notch today. My knee pain has completely disappeared, and I’m thinking that it is related to my device settings – I’m going to persevere with Group “A” settings for another week or so (just to be completely sure that the pain is really gone), and then switch to Group “B” settings for a few weeks to see if it recurs. Tremor is also breaking through (on occasion) in my right arm, and the dystonia in my right foot would benefit from a little more help – the only thing that stops me from increasing the voltage on my right side is the threat of worsening dyskinesia. It is currently bearable, even if I do impersonate a windmill (with my right arm) when I get up from the sofa – I really don’t like it when I am fighting the twitches, trying to pick up drinks without flinging them across the room. My balance is generally pretty good today, although it has its moments. I’m still very conscious of my poor stance when I walk, though.
Today I was hoping to edit the video footage that I shot yesterday, but my wife is in need of my MacBook for the preparation of a quotation for a loose cover. We go through all of the calculations for fabric quantities, labour charges, cushion pads etc., and put together a quotation which my wife emails to her (potential) client. Business has been very quiet for the last couple of weeks, and I know that my wife has been worried that there is no new work coming in (which is probably one of the reasons that she isn’t sleeping very well). Within a couple of hours she has received an email back, accepting the quotation – another job in the pipeline!
I manage to do a little bit of editing before we sit down to dinner – tomorrow I’ll finish it off while my wife is at work! I increase the voltage on my left side (now 2.1v on the left, and 2.3v on the right) – I’ll let it settle for 24 hours and then review the situation!