My wife is going swimming with our granddaughter this morning, so the dog and I have the house to ourselves.
I slept reasonably well again, with reduced voltages and a little cannabis to help things along. It took me a little while to get off to sleep because my left leg was restless – I eventually increased the voltage on my left side in an attempt (partially successful) to calm it down. When I woke, I was in quite a bit of discomfort because of dyskinesia in my neck – cause and effect… I decide to change over to my Group “B” settings for a while and see how I feel. I leave the voltages alone for the time being (2.15v on the left, 2.2v on the right). Tremor seems quite well controlled, but feels quite close to the surface on my right side – the dystonia in my right foot is also a little bit worse. Dyskinesia is still afoot, but it’s manageable. My balance feels a little better, but I notice my walking is not so good when I take the dog for her morning stroll.
My wife returns from swimming, and then we are off out to Norwich to go shopping with her youngest son and his girlfriend – It’s good to get out of the house and breathe some city air for a change (well, it’s good to get out of the house…). Then it’s a quick visit to my wife’s workshop in Hevingham to load her car with fabric samples and the paraphernalia of her trade – she has an appointment in the morning to measure up and quote for some curtains.
Tremor is still well under control on my left side (for a change), but my right side is less good. If it weren’t for the dyskinesia, I’d be tempted to crank the voltage up by a click or two. Bedtime is looming, so I self medicate (cannabis) and leave my settings be – at least for the time being.