I slept better last night. Whether it was because I self medicated (mildly) or because I set my device voltages even lower (1.5v on the left, same as last night, but 1.8v on the right), I don’t know. I did wake a couple of times (at 3am and 6am) but was able to get straight back to sleep. No apparent thrashing around, no severe back pain. Result!
I go downstairs and have my morning cuppa before turning my neurostimulator back up again (1.75v on the left, 2.2v on the right) to calm my tremor. Dystonia subsides. Dyskinesia looms, but it’s not too much of a problem. I take the dog for her morning constitutional, and am pleased that my walking is a little less wooden than it has been of late.
My son and his girlfriend have decided to pay us a visit this week, arriving late tonight! Panic! I set about making the place look a little more presentable, a little less lived in. I vacuum the whole house, wash the bathroom floor, clean the bath, basin and toilet. Motivation and energy are good!
The spare bedroom is inaccessible, stacked with boxes. The bed itself is stacked with boxes. We are still renovating the cottage, and the boxes are full of possessions that we haven’t yet unpacked, although they have made it from the loft into the spare bedroom! I spend a couple of hours finding new homes for all of the boxes – at least you can now get in the room and use the bed, even if standing room is a little limited.
My wife arrives home from work, and flies into a blind panic when she hears that we have visitors tonight. She calms down, eventually, and we have dinner and a beer and sit and wait for them to arrive. I self medicate (cannabis) in anticipation of getting to bed and having another decent night’s sleep.