I’m awake early again (4.35am) for no apparent reason. I don’t have any pressing need to visit the smallest room, I don’t appear to have any dyskinesia, and my wife is sound asleep so it wasn’t her that woke me. I manage to get back to sleep for a couple more hours, and wake just before 7am with persistent tremor in my left leg. About the same as usual.
I’m determined to publish another video on my Youtube channel today, so I’m out of bed and downstairs pronto, and setting up my MacBook and iPad so that I can do the necessary voiceover and captioning that I need to do.
Tea. Nutriblast. PopMaster. Dog Walk.
It’s almost 11am by the time I get to sit down at the computer – almost half the day gone! Tremor has returned with a vengeance to my right side, and I’m really struggling to control the trackpad. The first time I have really needed a steady hand (this week) and there’s no bloody chance! I decide to try another voltage increase on both sides because I have a real problem with tremor on both sides. I haven’t had much improvement from my adjustments of yesterday, and I’m going to have to self-medicate (cannabis) before it gets much later,
I increase the voltage on my left side to 1.8v, and on my right side to 2.0v. No discernible improvement! In fact, when I’m trying to to some precise movements on my computer’s trackpad it’s worse. How come it’s worse?
Cannabis gets me to a state where I can continue with my video editing (with concentration) and I eventually manage to publish my video before my wife arrives home from work.
More self-medication is required this evening (both alcohol and cannabis), and I go to bed unsure of what I’m going to do (settings-wise) tomorrow.