Well, this is the 3rd day in a row that I have been experiencing increased tremor on my right hand side. I think it’s because I have been overdoing it (which I did again, yesterday) but I can’t be sure. I’ll try not to do anything too taxing today and see if it settles down a little. If it doesn’t, then I think that maybe more juice is required, and I’ll increase the voltage a little on my right hand side.
I take the dog for her first walk of the day, and then sit quietly in the lounge reading The Metro online, checking my email, and reviewing my YouTube channel – I’m impressed to see that my DBS Video has had over 170 views in just two days, and I have had a good number of positive comments from people who have viewed it. Not a bad start for something that is so niche. It will spur me on to make some more, so that will keep me occupied for a little while!
Lunchtime comes around, and my tremor is getting to me, making it a bit of a trial to type or use my trackpad. I increase the voltage by 0.05v on the right (now 1.75v on the left and 2.15v on the right). I don’t get any sensation of additional stimulation, but I’ll leave it for 24 hours and see what happens – my biggest fear is that I provoke more dyskinesia, but so far, so good.
This afternoon I combine taking the dog for a walk with visiting the allotment to dig up a few spuds. I only seemed to have been digging for a few minutes (10 minutes max) when I felt exhausted, so I picked up the few spuds that I had unearthed and headed for home.
I follow dinner with a quiet sit-down, and some self-medication (alcohol and cannabis). Feeling a little better now!