I wake with tremor in my left leg, as usual. The adjustments I have been making to my settings (left side) haven’t really achieved what I was hoping for in terms of tremor control, but if they are responsible for my upswing in mood, then it hasn’t all been for nothing – I’m still feeling good.
I increase the voltage by another 0.05v this morning. Still hoping to find a setting that will settle the tremor in my left leg. I’m now getting 1.65v on the left side and 2.1v on the right. There is no change in sensation when I increase the voltage, but I think that’s just because it is such a miniscule amount and the effects are much more subtle than when I was adjusting by 0.1v previously. I would increase the right side as well, but I still have (mild) dyskinesia on that side. If the dyskinesia decreases, then I’ll try a little more electricity because, although my tremor is pretty well controlled on the right, it would be good if I could reduce the dystonia in my right foot.
I am still getting stuff done – paid the gas and water bills online, sent off a cheque to the parish council for the allotment rent, posted a “New Baby” card to an old friend of mine, walked the dog (twice), and played around editing some video on my MacBook, just to get my hand back in. I also started reading the user manual to my camera – it’s been so long since I used it, I’ve forgotten what all of the buttons and switches do…
We are going swimming with our granddaughter this evening, so that’s 3 sessions of exercise today – not exactly a new world record, but a step in the right direction.