I have felt supremely unmotivated today – happy just to sit with my iPad and laptop watching the Oscar winning performance of a certain squirming British ex-prime minister as the contents of the Chilcot enquiry are made public and digested by the media.
I slept pretty well again last night and was hoping for a more positive outlook this morning, now that I have increased the stimulation from my device to the maximum. No such luck. Tremor is still fairly troublesome on both sides, but let’s put it into perspective… I can sign my name and write legibly, and I don’t spill my tea carrying it from the kitchen to the lounge!
I have several things that I need to do today:
- I need to locate an email from the bank, and print off a number of forms for us to complete and return.
- I need to list a stack of insulated stove pipe on eBay – I have been meaning to do this for several months but always seem to find something else more pressing to do.
- Vacuum downstairs.
- Shave.
- Get the washing in from the washing line.
I manage to avoid doing anything constructive, although I do take the dog for her 2 walks. It’s 4pm before I get around to locating the email from the bank. I print the forms out and suddenly get a surge of motivation. I get the washing in, vacuum downstairs and then have a shave! Incredible! I still manage to avoid listing the stove pipe, mind you.