Today I’m going to give myself a kick up the backside. Make myself achieve something! Anything! I slept badly last night, waking up a multitude of times starting with 12.30am, and then 2, 3, 4, 5am and wide awake just after 7am. Neurostimulator on (my controller beeps at me for the third day running, letting me know that the batteries are almost dead. Must change them today), get up, get dressed. Our dog is excited at the prospect of breakfast, so I’m soon downstairs and filling her bowl for her. By the time my wife appears, I’ve made her coffee and brewed my tea, so that’s something achieved!
She prepares my Nutriblast, and soon afterwards departs for work. My symptoms today… much the same as yesterday. Possibly my tremor is a little more pronounced, but I’m able to type my blog entry without too much trouble, although my left leg tremor means that my laptop is bouncing slightly as I type. Still nowhere near as bad as I was prior to my operation. Not even in the same ballpark. Signature? Looks like mine. Cup of tea? Unspilt. I’m doing fine.
Still can’t get through to Charlie Mates. Both his home number and his mobile number ring and ring but nobody answers. I’m worried about him.
I get myself out into the garden, fire up the petrol strimmer, and then attack my next door neighbour’s horrendously overgrown garden! After about 20 minutes I’ve reduced it to nettle mush. It all needs raking up, but that can wait for another day. I feel I have actually achieved something!
No reply from Joseph at the NHNN yet. If I hear nothing by tomorrow afternoon, I will try giving him a call.
Changed the batteries in my device controller! (Achievement! Crossed it off my list!)
Designed a receipt template document for my wife’s business, and prepared a receipt for her to email to a customer! (Achievement! Crossed it off my list!)
Had a phone call from Charlie Mates this evening. Had been out and about with an old friend of his. I can only imagine he had left his mobile at home! I’m very relieved to hear from him, and I know he’s okay when he says “okay, Ian – take care and be good… and if you can’t be good, be effing evil!” and he cackles as he hangs up the phone. Crossed it off my list!!