2016-09-26 – A media frenzy.

Reducing the voltages on my device last night (from 1.95v to 1.5v on the left, and from 2.15v to 1.7v on the right) was a success – I slept through until 7am, only waking once (at 4am) to use the smallest room.  When I did wake, it was without the awful arching of my back and the accompanying back pain.

As soon as I’m out of bed I put my device settings back to their daytime values (1.95v/2.15v), get dressed and go downstairs.  A shade over 12 million views for my YouTube video this morning.  I’d really like to see what the news agency are making of my content today, so I ping them a quick email requesting an update, and then check my email, Facebook messages, YouTube messages, Instagram and Twitter.  Bloody hell!  I’m knackered already!  I have requests for interviews from a Polish Medical Cannabis website, Parkinson’s Life and Truth Society.  I agree to all of the requests and ask for them to email me a list of questions, and then I will prepare a single video answering them all.  I have a couple of other things I would like to achieve today, so set about doing those before dealing with anything relating to the video.

Walk the dog – done.  Popmaster – done!  Put an item on eBay – photographs taken, prices researched, but description not written.  Package up and send out my kefir orders – done.

Back pain and stiffness has returned (to a degree) since increasing my voltages this morning, but tremor is still pretty much under wraps.  Balance is still a bit pants, and so is my speech.  Mood and energy are good, and today my motivation is a little better, too.  Dyskinesia is still fairly strong, but I’m managing.  Dystonia is okay.  I’ll leave the settings alone again today… perhaps adjust them tomorrow.

I have a number of direct email messages from people who have watched my video and have questions about it.  Answering them is really time consuming, eating into my day, but how can I ignore them?  I put the video (and this blog) out there to help people – I can’t ignore their cries for help now.

I also message my contact at the news agency – when I tell him I’ve had 12 million views, even he replied “Wow!”.   I’d been led to believe 5 million views would be about right for my video, which I had assumed was typical salesman over-egging it.  Now, approaching the end of the day, we are steaming towards 19 million views.  I was hoping to have filmed a short update message to answer some of the more common questions and comments today, but still haven’t even made a start on scripting it – tomorrow is another day…

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