2017-09-05 – Another one!

I’m going to tackle another one of my pending clerical tasks today.  Our friend Karl Sterling (who is a fitness trainer, specialising in people with Parkinson’s) is in the process of writing a book, and he had asked me if I’d be prepared to write a few pages about my experiences with PD for inclusion.  Of course I agreed to do so, but now the deadline is drawing near, and I really need to get a move on and write something!

So after drinking my morning cups of tea and my Nutriblast, walking the dog and listening to PopMaster, I sit myself down at the dining room table with my iPad and scribble away for several hours, until the dog reminds me that it’s time for me to take her out for another walk.  I haven’t achieved as much as I had wanted to, so it looks like I’m going to be busy finishing this off tomorrow (if not the day after, as well!).

My wife arrives home from work early, so we call in to see some close neighbours regarding some work that they want my wife to do.   The work aspect is quickly dealt with, and we sit in our neighbours back garden chatting and drinking wine until the evening starts drawing in.

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