2017-07-12 – Paperwork!

I have to continue going through my neighbours personal paperwork today (he is recently deceased, and his solicitor requires his birth certificate and any other official documents of note).  I’m really not looking forward to it – I hate sorting out my own paperwork, never mind someone else’s!

First things first.  The dog needs her first walk of the day, and I have two mugs of tea that require drinking.  So, I drink my tea, walk the dog and listen to PopMaster before going next door to sift through a small mountain of paper.  I find his birth certificate (hooray!) and some folders filled with share certificates and Premium Bonds which should make somebody happy.  I phone the solicitor’s office to let them know.

Left sided tremor is still bugging me, but I’m going to wait until in fully recovered from the exertions of the weekend before making any adjustments to my device.  Other than that, my symptoms are pretty much as they have been for the past couple of days.  I’m still not overflowing with energy, but at least I am getting a few bits and bobs sorted out, so I’m not completely without motivation.  I pay another visit to the allotment this afternoon (after taking the dog for her second walk of the day) and harvest another courgette, some extremely oddly shaped carrots, a couple of beetroot, some purple French beans and some spinach.  I also tidy up and vacuum downstairs before my wife gets home from work.

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