2016-12-07 – My crumbling teeth.

The CBD infused milk that I drank yesterday afternoon was effective for almost 12 hours, and was certainly useful to me in getting off  to sleep last night.  I didn’t have a bad night’s sleep (considering that my wife did have a bad night’s sleep) and only awoke briefly on a couple of occasions.

Out of bed.  Adjust my device (daytime settings!).  Get dressed.  Downstairs.  Tea.  Nutriblast.  Dog walk.  Popmaster.

It’s time to address my crumbling teeth…  I had a crown (dental variety) part company with one of my molars whilst I was on holiday, and today I have an appointment with the dentist to see if said crown can be reunited with said molar.  I’m going to see a new (to me) dentist today, on recommendation from my wife’s youngest son, so I arrive early to compete the necessary “new patient” paperwork.  Whilst he is preparing to have a look-see, I mention to him that dental metals (particularly mercury amalgam) don’t agree with me.  Usually this is the cue for a long silence where the health professional waits for me to say something less controversial.  I am, therefore, surprised to find him willing to discuss the matter, and then to admit that there could well be a link between dental metals and Parkinson’s Disease.  He was also aware of what DBS was, and asked me to consult the DBS team to approve a tooth extraction (required because my molar is irreparable).  A very promising start, even if he couldn’t put my crown back on!

When I get back home, I decide to get the logs in from the garden before walking the dog again.  My recent log delivery is a bit on the large size, and large logs are difficult to burn if you do not also burn some solid fuel, so I get the log splitting axe out of the shed and spend a happy half hour splitting some of the larger logs into a more manageable size.  I’m pleased that I am capable of swinging the axe – something I haven’t done for a very long time.

Logs split and carried indoors.  Dog walked.  Time to light the fire, and then finish the task of importing the rest of yesterday’s video onto my MacBook.

Tremor is (once again) breaking through, mainly on my left side, and dystonia is on the increase in my right foot, so I intend to self-medicate (cannabis) in a moment or two.

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