2016-12-06 – A change of opinion.

I have decided that I’m going to try making some CBD tea again.  The last time I tried it was when I was videoing a review of it several weeks ago, and I found it to be of minimal benefit to me.  I got chatting to someone online last night who convinced me that I had prepared it incorrectly – to get the maximum benefit from it I should decarboxylate the tea by putting it in the oven for 45 minutes, and then bung 7 grams of the tea into 400 millilitres of full fat milk and steep it over a gentle heat for another 45 minutes.  So… I video the process, just in case the effects are such that I have a change of opinion and need to produce another (updated) review.

My tremor is close to the surface again today, so it seems to be a good time to try the CBD tea.

My wife disappears off to work, so I walk the dog, listen to PopMaster, then turn the kitchen into a studio again and film the process of making this CBD infused milk.  Then I drink the milk – it has a slightly bitter aftertaste from being steeped for such a long time, but other than that it tastes pleasant enough.   I’ll try chucking some drinking chocolate in it next time!

I was told it would take about an hour to feel any effect, but after 20 minutes I can feel it relaxing me (and sending my tinnitus through the roof).  By the time an hour has passed I’m extremely relaxed, and there’s no doubt that this infusion is more effective than the Charlotte’s Web Everyday 200 CBD oil that I reviewed a couple of weeks back.  I’m astounded – I hadn’t bargained on getting this kind of a response from a tea.   I write the script for my (revised) review, and then set up the camera. tripod, radio microphone, etc. and film it.

I walk the dog again before it gets dark, and then start the process of importing the video to my MacBook for editing (tomorrow).

It’s now 6 hours since I drank the CBD infused milk, and I’m still fairly well medicated – I’m most impressed.  It will be interesting to see how I sleep tonight!


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