2019-07-03 – Unrefreshed.

I feel unrefreshed by sleep, even though I slept fairly well last night, and I am fighting sleep on a number of occasions.  Needless to say, I don’t do very much at all today.  I have been neglecting to write my daily blog, so I manage to catch up on that while I’m sitting on my backside in the lounge.

I intended to make some medicated chocolate brownies this afternoon, but I simply can’t generate sufficient enthusiasm for the task – tomorrow, perhaps…

I feel extremely anxious over tasks that I need to perform that I can’t motivate myself to do, letters and emails that I need to respond to that I keep putting off.  It seems wrong to medicate with cannabis to alleviate my anxiety (rather than motivate myself to get stuff done) but being unmotivated is significantly better than being anxious and unmotivated…

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