2019-03-14 – Not down to a lack of motivation.

I don’t do very much (again) today, but it’s not down to a lack of motivation (for a change).  I was preparing to wash my (extremely dirty) car this afternoon, and was actually in the process of gathering together the necessary items required to achieve this (bucket, car shampoo, sponge… you get the picture) when there is a knock at the front door.   My eldest nephew has called round to see me, armed with a couple of bottles of beer.  We drink tea, followed by beer, and catch up with each other’s lives.  By the time he departs it is time for the dog’s afternoon walk, and the opportunity for car cleaning has passed me by.  Just as well, really, because my neighbour asks me to run him over to Trunch to collect his car from the garage – I wouldn’t have been very happy driving down muddy country lanes in a gleaming, freshly cleaned car!

2 thoughts on “2019-03-14 – Not down to a lack of motivation.”

  1. Hi, I had DBS in Jan this year and must admit that I think my expectations were too high! I noticed in one of your videos that you had trouble with itchy chest where battery is. Mine is to and I can feel my wires tightening in my neck all the time now. Every morning my head is like concrete where I have been sleeping. I can almost also feel only part of my rechargeable begrudgingly in chest and have heard that they can move. I am due to go back to DBS Nurse in just under a week but just want to know if yours is ok and whether you know if anyone who has experienced battery moving, etc.

    1. Hi. My chest scar is still itchy, and the wires from my neck to my chest are itchy at times. It took a long time before I could get comfortable sleeping on the side with the wires, but it’s fine now. I’m still very aware of the wires in my neck. although they are not “bowstringing”. My battery does move around a little bit, but I can still see it in my chest, so it doesn’t move very far…

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