2018-04-12 – Trying to make things a little easier.

I start the day with the thought of selecting a subject for this week’s vlog, doing some research and making a start on a script – just to take some of the pressure off for tomorrow, trying to make things a little easier for myself.   The day is now drawing to a close and I still haven’t decided on the subject – hey ho!

So what exactly have I been doing all day?  The answer to that question is “not a great deal”.  I drink my mugs of tea and my nutriblast while I read The Metro online, walk the dog, listen to PopMaster and then dig out the forms that I need to complete so that I can proceed with winding up my mother’s estate.   I fill them out as far as I am able, but now I need to make an appointment with a solicitor to have my signature witnessed, and my younger brother also needs to sign two of the forms – I guess I’ll have to take them over to his house in Stalham at some stage (next week, perhaps?).

I need to create a spreadsheet for my wife’s soft furnishings business to assist her in the production of estimates for potential customers – it is currently taking up far too much of her valuable time.  I spend the afternoon looking at websites that have curtain and blind estimators built in, and try to gain some sort of understanding of the process – I’m fairly sure I can write some code to calculate quantities and costs, I’m less sure about the actual estimating process.   I make copious notes and intend to go through the steps involved with my wife this evening.

Once more, my voice is the main symptom that is really bothering me – I sound like a drunkard when I’m talking to my neighbour (who I bump into when taking the dog for her second walk of the day).  My balance is distinctly “off” since I increased the left side voltage on my neurostimulator last week, and I feel as though I am staggering around and bouncing off the walls indoors – I’m continually catching myself to prevent a fall, which isn’t great (but at least I haven’t actually fallen!).  Outdoors, I’m just staggering around, which adds to the drunkard effect.  Hopefully the DBS nurse will be able to do something about voice and balance when I go back to the NHNN for an adjustment at the end of May.

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