2017-04-18 – Chasing money.

For the first time in a long time I am woken by my alarm going off at 7am – I’m usually awake before it goes off, so I guess I must have been tired.  I prise myself out of bed at a shade before 7.30, get dressed and go downstairs to feed the dog and make the tea/coffee.

Adverts are all over the internet for Viceland’s “Weed Week”, and the documentary that I was involved with in Amsterdam a couple of weekends ago.  It is due to be aired tomorrow night at 10pm, so I send the Production Executive an email to find out if they can send me a link to watch it (I don’t have Sky or Now TV).  I am also chasing money from them today – I forked out for almost £120 of expenses when we travelled to Amsterdam, and Vice.Com said they would reimburse me.  It’s been 2 weeks since I sent them the receipts (via email) and the money hasn’t been forthcoming!   I receive an assurance that it is being dealt with.  I’m also assured that I will be sent a link to the documentary after it has been aired tomorrow night.

I am extremely tired today, and I do very little apart from walking the dog (twice) and vacuuming downstairs.  Tremor is worse than it was yesterday and dystonia is mildly uncomfortable, but I’m not overly surprised.  My voice is still very soft and weak, my walking ain’t great and the muscles in my upper arms are feeling sore.   I decide to medicate this afternoon – an internet friend sent me some cannabis suppositories to try last week (supposedly very fast acting and long lasting) so I give one of them a go.  Hellishly difficult to light! 😉

I’m planning on an episode of Homeland on Netflix, followed by an early night – see if I can get some energy back and continue with tiling the bathroom tomorrow…

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