2017-03-21 – A very relaxed afternoon.

I finally got around to putting our bathroom plumbing job out to tender on the internet last night, and there are a couple of responses in my email this morning, so I send them each an email so that we can make appointments for them to come and look at the job prior to quoting a price.  I’m really glad to get that item crossed off my list!

My wife makes me a cuppa and a Nutriblast before going to work, and I walk the dog and listen to PopMaster before getting on with my planned task for the day.  I am continuing with the video review of Olimax 7% CBD oil that I started yesterday.  I need to take some of the oil and see what the effects (if any) are.  Then I need to script the effects and conclusion, and film it.

I take 1ml of the oil, which may have been a little too much, but given my failure to feel any benefit at all from the Olimax 4% CBD oil that I reviewed, I felt justified.   While I’m waiting for it to take effect (hopefully), I load the footage that I shot yesterday onto my MacBook, and start editing it.  I really thought that I would finish this video and get it published today, but I reckoned without the effects of the oil!  After less than 30 minutes I can feel the effects taking hold, and I’m feeling relaxed (and tremor free).  Far too relaxed – in fact, I have a very relaxed afternoon!  My left leg tremor and right foot dystonia, which were evident this morning, are now much improved.  I think I could probably have obtained the desired effect with half to three-quarters of the dose that I took.   I script the effects and conclusion for the video, but don’t feel like I would do a very good job of filming it at the moment, so I take the dog for another stumble/walk and then vacuum downstairs.  I’ll try a smaller dose tomorrow and film the rest of the review then.  I also want to decide on the subject of my vlog this week, and make a start on researching and scripting it, so hopefully I can do some work towards that tomorrow.

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