2017-01-11 – Preparing for colder weather.

My wife is ill.  I had a really bad night’s sleep, probably because my wife is ill.  I had terrible trouble getting off to sleep last night (even though I self-medicated with cannabis), and seemed to be awake for most of the night.  This morning my wife told me that she has the sickness bug that is going around, and has been up half of the night being sick.  I never heard her, so I guess I just woke up when she got in or out of bed, which is why I thought I’d been awake for most of the night.

I get up and leave my wife in bed.  I make a pot of tea (my wife’s feeling too unwell to even have a cup of coffee), feed the dog and think about lighting the fire.  I don’t light the fire, however, because there are only a couple of logs in the log basket and I can’t be bothered to get some more in from the garden.  I take the dog for a walk instead.

I’m still under the weather.  The cough hasn’t really got any worse, and the sore throat is almost gone, but my nose is still running like a tap, and my head feels like it’s going to explode.  Tremor is being a proper nuisance today, and dystonia in my right foot is playing up a little, too.  Dyskinesia is no worse, balance is fair, walking isn’t too bad, mood and motivation are okay, energy is low.

The weather forecast for the rest of the week isn’t great – it’s supposed to be getting colder tonight and tomorrow, and we are expecting snow by the weekend.  I decide to split enough logs to last us a few days because I really don’t want to be doing it when it’s freezing cold and snowy (if the weather forecast is correct).

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