2016-12-23 – Help! I’ve lost a day!

I have a bit of a lie-in this morning.  I heard my wife get up (much) earlier, but went back to sleep.  When I do wake up, it’s almost 9am, and my wife is just about to leave for work.  It’s okay, though, because it’s only Thursday today – plenty of time to do what I need to get done before the big day.  I decide to do some scripting for this week’s vlog, because I’m aware that I need to publish it this Friday, and I think Friday is going to be a busy day – the more I can get finished today, the happier I will be.

While I’m sitting in the lounge drinking my cup of tea, I hear the bin lorry outside the front door, come to collect the recycling bin.  Strange, I thought…  bin day is usually on a Friday, I wonder why they are a day early?  Must be because it’s Christmas weekend, and Monday and Tuesday next week are bank holidays.  Normally a bank holiday will mean that bins are collected a day or two late, not early – but what the heck, we are in Norfolk!

I listen to PopMaster, and Ken Bruce says he will be back on air next week.  I wonder why he isn’t on air this Friday, but it still doesn’t register that today is Friday!

It’s only when I go to use my iPad, that I see the day and date.  Help!  I’ve lost a day!  I was so convinced that today was Thursday, that it has totally thrown me.

After a few moments of blind panic, I manage to isolate a number of things that have to be done today.  Find a present for my wife (I already promised to have some of her grandmother’s jewellery remodelled into a necklace and bracelet, but I don’t have anything to give her on the day); script, film, edit and publish my vlog (in the grand scheme of things, this isn’t really that important, but I hate having a schedule and not sticking to it!); walk the dog (twice);  get the logs in for the fire;  get the Christmas tree into the house from the back garden so that it can be decorated tomorrow.

I manage to find a present for my wife online and reserve it for collection tomorrow morning – major relief!

Walked the dog (one of two!).

Scripted and filmed my vlog, and imported the video to my MacBook in preparation for editing.

Walked the dog (two of two!).  It’s starting to get dark now (just after 3.30pm) but we manage to have a little game of “Fetch” before it is too dark to see the ball.

Got the logs in (by torchlight – it’s just after 5pm, and pitch black outside) and lit the fire.  I did try to lift the Christmas tree, but failed.  I’m going to wait until my wife is here to help me – the last time I struggled to lift a Christmas tree on my own, I gave myself a hernia.

Edited my vlog, uploaded it to YouTube and published it.  My left leg tremor has re-emerged today, but I think it is due to stress/anxiety rather than the settings of my neurostimulator.  I did take some of the Olimax CBD oil that I decarboxylated several days ago, but it appears to have had absolutely no effect – I’ll self medicate with some cannabis after dinner.

I have just sat down on the sofa, when my wife calls me on FaceTime.  She tells me to get myself some dinner because she is still working, and will be “some time” yet.  It’s 8pm.  I make myself a fish finger sandwich, and then curl up on the sofa with the dog.

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