2016-09-13 – The third day running

I woke up at just before 7am.  I thought about getting out of bed, really I did.  I want to get an early start on the dining room fireplace – I’d really like to finish the job today.  I thought, at 7.28am, that I’d get out of bed at 7.30am.  I woke again at 9am and virtually leapt out of bed, cursing myself for wasting the day.  My wife disappeared off to work,and I busied myself walking the dog and getting myself organised to carry on with the shelving job.  This is the third day running that I have felt motivated to get on with the house – that can’t be bad!

Popmaster – has to be done, otherwise the rest of the day just doesn’t seem right.


I then get on with the task in hand and the day simply flies by.  It’s almost 4pm before I down tools and package up my kefir orders for the day.  My symptoms haven’t been too troublesome, and I certainly can’t blame them for any shortcomings with the shelves that I have built-in to the fireplace void.  The only real discomfort has been cramping in my hip and my hands.  Dyskinesia hasn’t bothered me today.  Tremor is quite severe in both legs today, but only moderate in my arms, so I manage to perform any of the more intricate manoeuvres without sacrificing (too much) accuracy.  When I sit down for a rest, though, it is apparent that I need to make an appointment at the NHNN for a little reprogramming – I’ll check on the train prices tomorrow.  My mood is pretty good, and I’m feeling motivated.  I even have sufficient energy to tackle the job!  My balance is not too bad, but my walking isn’t great – probably more down to the dystonia in my right foot than my balance.

They have reported, on the radio today, that MP’s are backing a call for the legalisation of marijuana for medical use – my wife called me to tell me about it, and to suggest that I make a video for my YouTube channel about it, showing the positive effect it has on my tremor.  Perhaps later in the week – when the fireplace job is complete!

Right now, I need some food, followed by a beer, followed by a little cannabis, followed by another early night…

2 thoughts on “2016-09-13 – The third day running”

  1. Ian, I very much enjoy your blog and also know that your daily recording of your symptoms will greatly help your doctors and programmers.
    My husband had DBS surgery in 2013. I wanted you to know that he is also a cannabis user and finds it very helpful for both pain (when he is in an off state) and for anxiety if he is worried about going into an off state. Luckily, we live in Oregon where it is legal. We found a honey based tea that works the best (and tastes delicious) so he doesn’t have to smoke.
    I hope the legalization process will happen soon for you, it does make things easier, especially with travel.
    I wish you all the best, thank you for blogging!
    Sheila and David in Oregon, USA

    1. Hi Sheila (and David).

      Thanks for your message. Yes, the blog helps ME to keep track of my settings, let alone the health professionals! Legalisation really would be useful, but in the meantime I will use it anyway (because it works!!). I very rarely smoke it, because I gave up smoking over 10 years ago, so I use a vaporiser, or (sometimes) bake some chocolate hash brownies. I turned my DBS off yesterday evening, just after my wife got home from work, and then self medicated with cannabis. My wife didn’t realise my DBS was off until I told her – she was amazed (and she already knows how much it helps me). I have decided to make a video showing this – maybe tomorrow! All the best to you both, and many thanks for reading.



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