2016-07-12 – Taking it easy

I’m still feeling the effects of overdoing it on Saturday, so I’m lounging around a lot and doing very little.  My wife has taken the morning off work and is busy cleaning the house (which really should be my job, so I’m feeling guilty).  I eventually prise my backside off the sofa (after PopMaster) and take the dog for her morning walk.

Boat seats
Boat seats

When we get back I busy myself reading the Metro online, and editing a couple of photos of the boat cushions that we delivered yesterday so that I can use them to promote my wife’s business on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.  My tremor is bothersome in my right arm, but I dare not change the settings over to Group ‘B’ at the moment – I changed them over this morning before I got out of bed, and was immediately rewarded with very uncomfortable dyskinesia in my neck, so changed them back again pretty sharpish.

A couple of things that have been bothering me since the last tune up of my DBS device… My balance isn’t great and, although I haven’t actually had a fall, I do tend to hang onto things to keep myself vertical.  In particular I notice myself leaning on the wall when I walk up the stairs.  My gait isn’t wonderful either, and I notice that I tend to drag my right foot slightly when I walk – particularly noticeable when I am wearing my wellies to take the dog for her walk.  My voice has become much weaker and huskier, and I notice people asking me to repeat myself more often. Sometimes, when I’m really tired, my voice disappears altogether, just leaving me with a whisper.  I also have been wheezing a fair bit ever since my operation – I sometimes sound like I’ve just smoked a couple of packs, and I gave up the evil weed over 10 years ago.  I did mention this to Joseph at the NHNN when he reprogrammed me on the 12th May, but he didn’t seem to think it was anything to do with DBS.  It still persists, though, and I think it may have something to do with the tubes they shove down your throat during surgery.

It’s supposed to rain heavily this evening, but the sky is getting very dark after lunchtime so I decide to walk the dog a little earlier this afternoon.  I then spend the remaining time trying to catch up with my blog, plugging a couple more of the gaps…


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