My daughter is staying with us for a day or two, so we plan on going out today. First, though, I have to drive to Aylsham for a dental checkup, and then my daughter does some work on her dissertation (which she is due to submit in the next couple of weeks) while I respond to a few messages that I have received on social media.
After taking the dog for her morning walk, my daughter and I drive to Hevingham to pay a visit to my wife’s sons and our youngest granddaughter.
I am still being bothered by tremor in my left leg, so decide to increase the left side voltage on my neurostimulator (now at 2.6 volts on the left, 2.75 volts on the right). Instantly the tremor is under control, but I am now at the maximum setting for the left side – I have an appointment at the NHNN next month, so I expect my device will be reprogrammed then. My voice remains weak and husky – I hope that the increased voltage doesn’t cause any further deterioration. Balance is a bit off, and my walking is fairly stilted at the moment. Muscular pain is less of an issue than it has been of late.
We return to Southrepps for a very late lunch (sausage and onion sandwiches) and watch a movie on Netflix before my wife arrives home from work.