We collected my old lawnmower from my wife’s youngest son when we went there for a barbecue yesterday afternoon. Several downpours of rain followed by several warm and sunny days has resulted in a hugely overgrown allotment. I had been attempting to keep it under control using a pair of hand shears, but it was a losing battle. So this morning, after walking the dog, I spend a couple of hours cutting the grass and clearing space in the shed so that we can keep the lawnmower in there. I think a session with the strimmer could be in order later this week as well, and I’ll be needing to spend a good few hours weeding between the vegetable plants!

I stop the grass cutting when I feel I can’t go on any longer, and return home to recuperate. I receive a visit from one of our neighbours – he brought me a HD video camera that he has no use for. In return I have promised to edit several hours of holiday video that he shot (some years ago) and put it onto DVD for him – a bit of a mammoth task, which I will really have to ensure I do fairly soon, otherwise it’ll be another task waiting in the wings and giving me stress.
I spend some time creating more “front pages” for my YouTube videos, and tidy up my YouTube channel a little before taking the dog for her afternoon walk.
Tremor in my left leg is driving me mad today – it was bad yesterday, as well, but I was hoping that it would be better by now. I’m planning another early night tonight, so we shall see if that improves matters tomorrow.