More progress with the tiling of the bathroom is on the cards today, just as soon as I’ve finished my cup of tea, and Nutriblast – my wife walks the dog this morning.
We work together for about 3 hours – mixing adhesive, cutting tiles to size and gluing them to the walls in the bathroom. My back is absolutely killing me, I’m not sure why – it’s not as if I have done any heavy lifting. Possibly it’s due to muscular tension from trying to keep my tremor under control – it’s still a bit of a problem in my left leg, occasionally in my right arm, and it’ll probably be worse tomorrow because I’ll be fatigued from working on the bathroom today.
We call it a day, have a cursory tidy up and then go to the beach at Trimingham to let the dog have a bit of a run (and for the wife and I to get a breath of fresh air). My balance and walking are noticeably better today.
When we get back home we decide to have an early dinner, have baths and then watch a couple of episodes of Homeland on Netflix.