017-06-20 – Being a good neighbour.

Last night’s early night didn’t end up being that early…  We went to see my wife’s father to give him his (belated) Father’s Day card and gifts, and by the time we got back home and got ourselves into bed, it was after 11pm.  We really must try harder!  So, I’m feeling very weary (again) and don’t have a huge amount of energy (or enthusiasm) for getting things done.  By lunchtime I find myself fighting to stay awake, so I decide on being a good neighbour.  Our elderly neighbour has now moved into a care home, and his house is currently in the process of being sold.  His front garden hasn’t been tended in months, and is now so overgrown that it is starting to impede the access to our front door.  I know that he would be horrified if he saw the state of it, so decide to pull up some weeds, cut back his hedge and hollyhocks, and try to make it look a little more presentable.   In doing so, it’ll improve our access as well, so there is a healthy dollop of self-interest in my actions.

2 hours later, and things are looking much better.  I’m on my last legs, mind you…  I think I might have overdone things again.  I take the dog for her afternoon walk (which, for me, is more a stagger than a walk) and then collapse onto the sofa to recover.

Symptoms are fairly well under control today – it’s mainly my walking that is affected, and that’s because I tired myself out doing the gardening.  Hopefully an early night will prevent me from feeling too bad tomorrow.

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